Five Ways of Dealing with Your Anxiety
September 5, 2017

Here are five ways to help you manage your stress, anxiety and constant worry:
1. Find Better Ways to Relax
Let’s start off by clarifying that TV and alcohol are not the ways you should be relaxing. It may seem like they are helping you destress and relieve anxiety, but in the rare moments when this may be true they are only temporary. What your body needs is a daily practice that has a physical effect on the mind. Great examples are deep breathing, tai chi or yoga.
2. Take Care of Your Body
Get the right amount of sleep, eat heathy and avoid caffeine and sugar that will give you high ups and downs. Exercise regularly! These three things if maintained and done correctly can help your body operate at its best, relieving stress and helping you avoid anxiety.
3. Be Social
Don’t hide away, spend time with friends and family. The fun and sharing that go along with social interactions will help you feel happier and less upset. It’s a good reminder that you are not alone, and that most often there is someone going through something similar. Open up, share and saty connected.
4. Enjoy the Outdoors
Getting outside, going for a walk or hike and enjoying nature is perfect for helping you feel peaceful and grounded. With the additional benefit of exercise to add in Tip 2, and you can invite a friend to have Tip 3 involved too.
5. Focus on What’s Important
Don’t agonise over all of the bad things. Focus on what is good and positive in your life. Take the time to appreciate the small everyday good things. Allow yourself to have goals, dreams and good wishes.
For anyone feeling extreme levels of anxiety or worry it may be a sign of an anxiety disorder, and which getting proper professional care and counselling is important. CPCCPC is here to help you help yourself, so get in touch today and start your journey to the life you have always wanted to live. We have qualified psychologists who can help with your anxiety, provide professional experienced advice and more. Contact our Gold Coast rooms today.

Deborah Marshall Deeth
B.Nursing, B.A. (Psych),
B.Soc.Sc (Psych Hons), MAPS
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Graeme Deeth
B.V.Sc., B.A. (Psych),
B Psych (Hons 1st class), MAPS
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